現在の複雑な医薬品開発環境で成功を収めるには、迅速性、効率性、効果性だけでなく、信頼できるCDMOパートナーが必要です。Thermo Fisher Scientificは、Patheon™ブランドを通じて業界をリードするファーマサービスを提供し、科学的、技術的、規制的、品質面での専門家が集結する統合されたグローバルネットワークを通じて、お客様が患者により早く医薬品を届けるお手伝いをします。成功を収めるためには、科学技術や専門知識だけでなく、信頼、コミュニケーション、コラボレーションといった要素で結ばれた戦略的なパートナーシップが必要だと信じています。
世界60以上の拠点を持つ私たちは、開発のすべての段階において統合されたエンド・ツー・エンドのソリューションを提供することに尽力しています。私たちのファーマサービスには、 低分子原薬(API)、バイオ原薬、ウイルスベクター、細胞治療、 製剤、治験関連サービス(治験薬供給ソリューション)、ロジスティクスサービス、商業生産、包装が含まれています。これらの分野での科学的・技術的卓越性に加え、戦略的なパートナーシップを通じて、アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、アジア、オーストラリアにわたるグローバルネットワークの施設と専任の専門家へのアクセスを、あらゆる規模のお客様に提供します。
Thermo Fisher Scientificファーマサービスは、世界24か国にわたり60以上の拠点を持っています。
Our 642,000 sq ft campus in Monza, Italy is a center of excellence for sterile manufacturing. It features a unique co-location of mRNA manufacturing capabilities with LNP and fill finish services to help streamline your processes and mitigate risk.
Capabilities: Steriles, mRNA
Our Greenville, NC facility is a large, multipurpose pharmaceutical manufacturing and packaging campus. This site provides both solid dose form manufacturing and packaging and sterile dose manufacturing, filling and lyophilization of both biopharmaceuticals and small molecules.
Capabilities: Steriles
Our Ferentino facility is 14,034 m2 (151,061 ft2), specializing in integrated sterile liquid and lyophilized product development and commercial manufacturing, including high potency products and LVP.
Capabilities: Steriles
Our Groningen site specializes in cGMP for (pre)clinical and commercial manufacturing, including mammalian cell culture manufacturing, scale up and cGMP manufacturing of recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies.
Capabilities: Biologics
Our Lengnau facility is a state-of-the-art multipurpose biomanufacturing site in the heart of Europe. This 1.5m sq. ft. facility leverages highly flexible bioproduction technologies, including stainless steel up to 12,500 L bioreactor capability, providing a pathway from development to large-scale production as your manufacturing needs evolve.
Capabilities: Biologics
Our 44,000 sq ft state-of-the-art facility is adjacent to numerous oncology hospitals in the Bay Area and ~15 minutes from the San Francisco International Airport. Equipped with individual, user-configurable cGMP-production suites, we can support multiple cell lines/multiple products simultaneously due to our unique dedicated HVAC system for each suite.
Capabilities: Cell Therapy Manufacturing Services
Allentown is our largest ambient and cold packaging, storage and distribution facility for clinical trials. The site has expanded services to include commercial packaging with serialization, offering primary packaging of oral solid dose for blister packs and bottles, with additional secondary packaging services for syringe, pre-filled syringe, pen, autoinjector assembly and labeling.
Capabilities: Clinical supply solutions
Our Basel site offers a comprehensive service line supporting all aspects of clinical trial supply - primary and secondary packaging, labeling, regulatory support, distribution, returns and destruction, and comparator sourcing. Additionally the site supports cold chain supplies management and has in-house engineering capabilitites for tooling, equipment customization, and production automation.
Capabilities: Clinical supply solutions